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Based on the assessment of Geosciences Division of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau, Region IX on the municipality’s landslide hazard assessment, the following is a part of their report, to wit;
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Labason is a coastal municipality. It is a part and parcel of the Sulu or Celebes Sea and is famous for fishing. The municipality’s geographical location justifies its coastal resources. In term of quality, all marine products produced or caught locally are noted for their distinctive and unique taste.
Abundant coral reefs which are suitable habitats and spawning of fishes are situated in Bayangan and Bali-udyong Island (Musciellagos Islands). The same place also is ideal for diving.
Mangroves grow on the coastal area of barangay Lopoc and Dansalan, though it is envisioned to maximized the area and preserve the existing mangrove forest for the betterment of the ecological condition of the marine life of this municipality.
Fish varieties were being caught daily and were being sold to other provinces and nearby cities because of its high demand due to its unique and delectable taste. Fish varieties that are being caught in the municipal waters are as follows; Spanish and King Mackerel (Tangigue), Marlins, Lapu-Lapu, Tuna (Blue and Yellow Fins, Big Eye, Long Tail and Skip Jack), Flying Fish (Bangse), Anchovy (Dilis/Bolinao), Mackerel Scad (Sigarilyo/Galongong), Ladien Oil Sardine (Tuloy), Gold Stripes Sardenilla (Malangse), Pony Fish (Whipfin – Tabilos, Splended – Palotpot, Common – Bakagan and Tooth Pony), Thread Fin Breams (Lagaw, Malintubong, Lalagan and etc) and Reef Fishes (Spinefoot), Snapper, Grouper, hind, emperor and surgeon fish.
Other marine products around and still for commercial destination are bangus fry/fingerlings, lobster, shell crabs, shells, shrimps, seagrass (loso and lato), and more recently, giant squids.
Although these products are also found and available on some other municipalities, provinces or regions, the marine product of Labason has its unique and delectable taste incomparable to other. Local residents who used to eat these varieties of fish and other seafood could determine the difference once they travelled to other places. Likewise, visitors from other places are unanimously confirming that marine product from Labason is truly delicious.
This reality is best qualified by the following facts: 1. Geographical Location – the municipality is situated inside the famous fishing ground – the Sulu Sea; 2. Presence of two islets – Bayangan and Bali-udyong Islands; and 3. Rich in coral reefs and mangoves were schools of fish live and multiply.
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There is no metallic mineral deposit within the domain of this municipality, however, undetermined volume of non-metallic sources are reported.
Magnetic pyrites or Pyrrhotite3 are abundance along the seashore of the municipality.
Silica is abundant in barangay Kipit and Osukan.
Pebbles are abundant in Kipit and Bayangan Island.
Gravels are abundant in Kipit, La Union, New Salvacion, and Osukan.
White Sand can be found on all beaches of the municipality.
Loose Rocks are abundant in Barangay Balas.
Clay is abundant in Barangay San Isidro.
All these natural resources are potential for economic enterprise of this municipality, but prohibition from extraction is necessary for environmental reasons, specifically those that are located along the seashores and riverbanks. The clay and mountain pebbles at Kipit and the loose rock at Balas are located in areas not detrimental to environmental preservation, thus, extraction is possible.
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- Antonino. Antonino was named after the famous Senator Antonino who tragically died in a helicopter crash during a campaign trip. By virtue of SP Resolution No. 33, S. 1968, on February 16, 1968, Antonio become a barangay of the municipality Labason.
Read more: History of Different Barangays of the Municipality of Labason
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The municipality’s topography varies from flat coastal plain and valley floors on the seaward through undulating foothills and lower side slopes to steeper hillsides and mountains. The narrow coastal plain and the elevated areas are the dominated features of the landscapes.
Mt. Dansalan is the highest mountain peak of this municipality. It has an elevation of approximately 747 masl (meters above sea level).
Labason has a level to undulating slope features with good soil characteristics which is favorable for cultivation and urban utilization. Rolling to moderately steep slopes render the land highly hazardous to soil erosion and costly or difficult to develop making it unfavorable for agricultural production or urban development.
Further, the municipality is generally rolling to moderately steep slope characteristics covering 12% with gradients ranging from 18%-30%. Steep slopes, which are usually composed of mountainous and high relief hills constitute 8% having slopes below 30%-50% gradients. The remaining areas of the municipality have slope below 18%. This area is suitable for rice, cultivating crops, trees and vines.
Despite the mountainous appearance, about 80% of this municipality lies below 18% slope including about 13,260 hectares in the western half adjoining the Patawag River in the east which is rolling to undulating (8%-18% slope) and a further 30% (about 8,288 ha.) in the central north and southwest which is gently undulating (below 8% slope), including about 2,320 hectares of almost flat coastal plan residual terrace adjoining the coastline and some of which are irrigated.
The remaining 20% (about 6,630 ha.) of the terrain is more steeply sloping including the more elevated high granite hills (18%-30%) in the central southwest, central and northeast portions particularly in Barangay Balas, Gabu, northern Lapatan and Patawag.
The steepest slopes (30%-50%) occur along the extensive ridge extending either side of the summit of Mt. Dansalan that covers about 2,600 hectares including the eastern half of Barangay Lapatan, western portions of Barangay San Isidro and southern portion of Ubay (mostly above 200 meters above sea level). Within this generally steep area smaller portions exceed 50% slope. Erosion is also severe along the entire length of the steep, more elevated portions of Mt. Dansalan ridges above 200 masl (meters above sea level) covering areas in Lapatan, San Isidro and Southern Ubay.
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The name “Labason” before it came to be had a number of names. Several versions regarding its derivation were gathered, but the most widely known among them is that Labason is from the word “Lab-as”, a Visayan term which means “Fresh Fish”. This place was known for its abundance of fresh fish and it is till even up to now. Early traders called it “Lab-asan”. Varied they may have been, but they all point to one basic thing: Labason has made a history of its own.
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